Aquarium Finisterrae (Aquarium of the end of the World) is an aquarium located in A Coruña, Galicia. It is an interactive centre of the sciences of marine biology, oceanography and the sea in general. We tried to promote learning about the ocean and to teach our students to be more caring toward marine life.
We visited different rooms like:
- Sala maremágnum: which is an interactive exposition room all about the Atlantic Ocean. It houses more than 600 Atlantic species
- Sala Nautilus: A room decorated in the style of the study of Captain Nemo in the Nautilus. It is an observation room in a huge pool, among the largest in Europe, where most of the Atlantic fish on display swim. They loved it.
- Octopus' Garden: A room dedicated to octopuses.
- Jardín botánico: A room containing species representative of the Galician coast.
- Piscinarium: A warm home for the two families of Atlantic seals.
- Sala Isabel Castelo: A room dedicated to the permanent exposition of nature photographs.
It was a really good experience for our students. If you want to visit with your you have some tips before you go:
Learn about marine life. Looking at picture books or seeing movies that feature marine animals can help young children put names with faces. Your child might also be interested in the idea of different fish, plants, and animals living together in a habitat, the same way that people live together in a neighborhood.
Design an itinerary. You may want to plan a schedule of the "must sees" so your child won't be disappointed by getting to the much-anticipated jellyfish display five minutes before closing time. If there's an exhibit your child is particularly excited about, you might want to call ahead to make sure it's not closed for maintenance.
Hope you have a wonderful time there!!